Day: February 9, 2023

The Heart of  the Matter

The sign beneath the broken clock reads: Don’t blame the hand — the problem is much deeper. Likewise, the brokenness we lament in today’s world is symptomatic of a much deeper problem, captured succinctly in this statement: “At the heart of the human problem is the problem of the human


Rayvin “Ray” Straub

1931 – 2023 Rayvin Lester Straub (91) was born December 6, 1931, to Emanuel Straub and Albina Weller Straub on a farm near Eureka, South Dakota. He died March 26 at his home in West Linn, Oregon, following a short illness. As a young boy, Ray moved to California with



© utah778 | Some people see God in a sunset. Others, in the eyes of a child. Me? I see God in a ’98 Buick. Our daughter, Jennifer, was married with three children when we started noticing some alarming behavior in her. She would leave home for hours at


The Goodness of Judgment

When we consider what the Bible clearly shows regarding God’s promised judgment on sin and unrepentant humans, it is easy to see only the darker tones of the prophetic picture. We miss the highlights of goodness, mercy, and compassion that are also there. In the messages of the Old Testament