The Heart of the Matter
The sign beneath the broken clock reads: Don’t blame the hand — the problem is much deeper. Likewise, the brokenness we lament in today’s world
The Church of God (Seventh Day) has more than 200 churches throughout the United States and Canada. To locate one near you, use our Find-A-Church tool by clicking here.
Many of the doctrinal teachings of the Church of God (Seventh Day) can be found on our website under What We Believe. For an in-depth look at our doctrine and values, you can purchase the book This We Believe.
Both of these church organizations began in the mid-1800s as outgrowths of the William Miller Adventist movement. The two share several major teachings in common, including these:
Most differences between the groups involve the role and writings of Ellen G. White. Mrs. White was a founder of the SDA Church and is regarded by it as a true prophetess. The Church of God (Seventh Day) considers Mrs. White as it would any other writer since the completion of the biblical canon: Her “truth” is mixed with error. The Church regards neither Mrs. White nor her writings to be an expression of the “Spirit of Prophecy.” This is the fundamental difference between the two churches.
Beyond this basic difference, here are some teachings of the Church of God (Seventh Day) that are not endorsed by Seventh-day Adventists:
The Church of God (Seventh Day) does not require observance of the annual Hebrew holy days in Leviticus 23. This is why:
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For a brief history of the Church of God (Seventh Day), visit our History page. For a more detailed account, you can order the booklet The Story of the Church of God (Seventh Day), by Robert Coulter.
Herbert W. Armstrong was a licensed minister of the Oregon Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) for several years in the 1930s. He was personally known by many of the Church’s ministers at that time and worked in cooperation with them. In the late 1930s, Mr. Armstrong left the Church to begin his own work, which became known as the Radio Church of God and eventually the Worldwide Church of God. The two churches have had unofficial dialogue among leaders in recent years, but no official connection exists between them.
Several of our tracts, booklets, and other literature are now, or will soon be, available to order in our online store. For items not available in the store, please contact us at bap.orders@cog7.org.
The sign beneath the broken clock reads: Don’t blame the hand — the problem is much deeper. Likewise, the brokenness we lament in today’s world
When we consider what the Bible clearly shows regarding God’s promised judgment on sin and unrepentant humans, it is easy to see only the darker
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