The International Ministerial Congress of 2012—the congress that almost wasn’t—became the congress of harmony and increase, by God’s grace! Highlights of this five-day, late August 2012 meeting near London, England included
- Growth in Latin America. Argentina, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uruguay came to congress in force, while Chile, Paraguay, and Venezuela were received as new members. Now the IMC or CoG7 missions exist throughout Central America and in eleven of thirteen nations in South America.
- Nigeria’s presence and participation. A delegation of five from this largest IMC member conference raised its influence to new levels. Nigeria will host a Pan-African CoG7 conference in December 2012. Ten more IMC nation-members in Africa did not attend this congress due to travel restrictions or financial factors.
- Our UK hosts. This congress in the United Kingdom marked the first time it met outside Mexico or the US. More than 500 folks from the British Conference joined us for a Sabbath of energetic celebration (August 25). Their generous cooperation in hosting this event is warmly appreciated.
- Seven world zones all present. Beyond those mentioned earlier, two delegates came from India, three from Australia, and one from The Philippines, plus delegations from Canada, France, Italy, Jamaica, Portugal, Spain, and the US.
- “Unity Within Diversity.” Congress delegates and observers heard presentations on this theme, then raised their voices to reflect, discuss, and apply its truth—in Christ—to the Church of God (Seventh Day) scattered abroad.
Enrique Vega, delegate from Chile, warmed our hearts as he reported that church’s change from seven weeping Christian brothers, thinking themselves the only ones, to a group celebrating their unity with thousands of other likeminded believers in dozens of nations. This happened in just two days, as they became aware of CoG7 and IMC through contact with our member conference in Italy!
Gustavo Hultgren, delegate from Argentina, told how CoG7 was planted in Paraguay. Due to a wide river between them, it had been difficult for Argentinians to evangelize their Paraguayan neighbors. Then someone built a bridge, and the gospel flowed freely across that river separating two nations!
Similar things happened at the congress near London, August 25–29, 2012. Bridges were built. Brethren in places that were previously unconnected became aware of others just like them (in faith and love), yet different from them (in many details). The gospel bridged our diversity. Our unity in Christ was affirmed, broadcast, and celebrated!